Fastpitch Bat Trade-in Program
Fastpitch Bat Trade-in Program
This item includes 1 Replacement for a broken bat and 1 Trade-in to size up or receive a new model for a non broken bat. You are allowed up to 3 Trade-ins if you have not broken a bat as part of this program. You have up to 1 year to add these coverages to your fastpitch bat purchase.
If you've purchased one of our fastpitch bats at the full coverage price ($379.99+) your purchase may already have these coverages included. This item is to opt in to the program from a $169.99 bat purchase.
Please save and print the sheet attached on this page. You should mail this sheet with your bat when you use your coverages to receive a new fastpitch model. If you need to know the turnaround time or want to review your remaining coverages, please email in advance!